#14 hex head type B self-tapping metal to metal fasteners are designed to self-tap into a pre-drilled hole.
• 3/8″ hex head
• Zinc plated carbon steel or 304 series stainless steel available
• Available with or without a bonded sealing washer
• Install fasteners with 0–1000 rpm screw gun equipped with depth sensing nose piece
• Fastener length should provide for a minimum of 3/16″ penetration of fully developed threads into metal substrate
• Fasteners can be custom painted – contact us for details on painting
Metal thickness Drill bit size
0.065″–0.085″ (1.65 mm–2.16 mm) #8 (5.05 mm)
0.085″–0.115″ (2.16 mm–2.92 mm) #7 (5.11 mm)
0.115″–0.375″ (2.92 mm–9.53 mm) #1 (5.79 mm)
0.375″–0.500″ (9.53 mm–12.7 mm) #1 or larger depending on hardness of steel
Common applications include: metal panel to medium and heavy gauge metal applications